Juujika no Rokunin is a dark, psychologically-charged manga that has become the favourite of avid readers. A Japanese manga series written by Shiryuu Nakatake, the story follows Shun Uruma, a young boy whose peaceful life is shattered by a horrific act of bullying. This led to the tragic loss of his family and his brother’s hospitalisation. Fueled by an unquenchable thirst for revenge, Shun undergoes intense training, emerging as a cold, calculated killing machine. Read on to know what this captivating has to offer including where you can read it.
The Popularity
With its raw exploration of trauma, vengeance, and the blurred lines between good and evil, Juujika no Rokunin has captivated readers worldwide. Social media platforms are ablaze with discussions about its complex characters, shocking plot twists, and stunning artwork.
However, this iconic series wasn’t at all rosy and popular at the beginning. It was initially cancelled due to poor sales in 2020. It was later transferred to the Magazine Pocket online and there its popularity began to soar. It became the most popular manga on the app in no time and this made them reprint the first three volumes.
In 2021, the volume of sales in electronic form was 6.6 higher than the paper sales. It boasts 13 million views on the Magazine Pocket app. In 2022, it will have over 1 million copies in circulation, and in 2024, over 3.5 million copies in circulation.
It’s a series that will leave you questioning the depths of human darkness and the lengths one will go to for retribution. A must-read!
Understanding Juujika no Rokunin
Juujika no Rokunin is a dark and intense manga that delves into the psychological depths of trauma, and revenge, that can turn anyone from human to monster. The story revolves around Shun Uruma, an ordinary boy whose life takes a horrifying turn when he becomes the target of relentless bullying by five classmates. In Grade Six, they label him “Experimental Body A.”
The torment inflicted upon Shun shows a raw and unflinching honesty. The effect of bullying and how it can take a toll on one’s life. The narrative takes a tragic turn when these bullies ultimately claim the lives of Shun’s beloved family, shattering his world and igniting a burning desire for vengeance.
Driven by grief and rage, Shun undergoes a rigorous and transformative training regimen under the tutelage of his grandfather, a former member of a secret WWII unit. Emerging from this ordeal as a physically and mentally hardened individual, Shun becomes a shadow of his former self, a cold and calculated person ready to take down his five bullies.
Although, Shun was initially contemplating letting his targets go if they had perhaps changed. Alas, it appears they love evil which propels Shun to move on with his initial plans of revenge.
The story lies in Shun’s psychological transformation as he becomes consumed by his thirst for revenge. He went from a sweet, shy soul to a hard, revengeful one. The manga dives into the complexities of his actions. The question is, is it okay to kill people? In the quest for revenge, has Shun become another victim seeking justice or he is not different from the monsters that killed his family? As Shun confronts his tormentors, the narrative delves into the psychological damage inflicted on both victim and perpetrator, raising thought-provoking questions about the nature of evil and the consequences of unchecked violence.
Aside from the central theme of revenge, Juujika no Rokunin also portrays loss, grief, and the power of unity and family. The bond between Shun and his family and losing them to the cold hands of death serves as a turning point in his life. As darkness envelopes and he thirsts for revenge, this shows to what extent humans can go in the face of tragedy.
It’s not surprising manga has become popular. The unflinching portrayal of violence, the morally stained characters, the emotion-packed story. While it is a dark and disturbing story, it also offers a powerful exploration of the human psyche and the enduring nature of hope.
Where to Read Juujika no Rokunin
Unfortunately, there is no official licensed English translation at this time. However, there are fans who have taken it upon themselves to translate. While at it, it is important to tread with caution as reading from unofficial sources can be risky due to copyright issues or malware.
Here are some popular platforms where you might be able to find it:
- MangaDex: This platform is known for hosting a variety of manga, including fan translations. You can search for “Juujika no Rokunin” there.
- Other online manga communities and forums: There are many online communities dedicated to manga where you might find discussions and links to the manga.
- Hard copies: You can purchase physical copies of the manga at bookstores like Kinokuniya or Animate as they often have a wide selection of manga. There are also online retailers such as Amazon Japan, Rakuten, and CDJapan that are selling manga. These platforms allow international shipping.
Where to read the Japanese version
The Japanese version of Juujika no Rokunin is available to read on Kodansha’s Magazine Pocket. It can be accessed on mobile application for iOS and Android devices
It is also available on the Magazine Pocket website. While there is no dedicated webpage for individual manga titles, you can still access Magazine Pocket through their official website. Simply download the app for free from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Keep in mind that the app interface and content will be in Japanese.