We are all familiar with what it is to catch a wave, surfers and non-surfers alike. The modern version of the wave_of_happy_ has been spreading in the non-surfing community as well. Happiness is now seen as a wave that cascades over the soul, lifting the spirit and brightening our look. It’s a journey, a continuous flow of happiness that burbles like a wave from the moment of joy to carrying it forward as you go.
Definitions of happiness usually focus on the absence of something unpleasant; ‘not sad’ sums up most people’s viewpoint, and at this low level of definition and understanding, that is precisely what most are left with. Happiness is complex and multifaceted and it cannot be reduced to a single formula. From mindfulness to walking in purpose, finding the meaning to life, to physical well-being, different things come together to sum up what makes a person happy,
Defining the Wave of Happy
The phrase “wave_of_happy_” came about because of its different characteristics relative to the concept of “happiness”. The Japanese term “the morning sun type of happiness” refers to a sort of happiness and joy that comes from just waking up in the morning, and being filled with the feeling that “I’m glad”, while the distinctive feature of this ” wave_of_happy_” was the timing that it mainly occupied in the hours after the sun rises. That “I’m glad sort of feeling” that is felt from the bottom of the heart is distinct from feelings of pleasure, fine weather, exhilaration, and joy.
People may not be able to feel happiness even if they possess many pleasurable things, and there are actually many occasions when people are absorbed into their own world and are tormented with suffering. Happiness, in other words, is a state of mind, and it is a sensation and emotion that can almost never be explained rationally.
The wave_of_happy_ involves a series of moments of intense joy, euphoria and satisfaction. It can be when you just bagged a degree, become a homeowner, having a nice time with loved ones or simply soaking in nature. Knowing what makes you happy and sustaining them is the key to wave_of_happy_
Key Concepts in Wave_of_Happy_
Here are some key concepts:
- Positive Psychology: Studies on this show that happy people are those who are harnessing their strengths for something meaningful that goes beyond their personal goals. By making use of these experiences, one can promote well-being.
- Gratitude: When we practise gratitude, we tend to focus on the positive and abundance in our lives rather than the negatives or lack. Research has shown that practising gratitude can enhance positive emotions, and reduce stress and anxiety.
- Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the escape route from the hustles and bustles of life. Meditation and being present at the moment can make you become aware of your thoughts and feelings. This will help us deal with issues with greater attention and clarity. Hence, greater emotional regulation and overall happiness.
- Social Connection: Strong social connections have been linked to increased happiness and life satisfaction. Engaging with loved ones and participating in social activities can contribute to a positive emotional state.
- Mindset Shift: Being positive and optimistic in the face of challenges has a way of lifting the mood and boosting one’s overall happiness.
- Meaningful Activities: Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment can contribute to a sense of purpose and happiness.
Purpose and Happiness
What is true happiness? How does one define a purposeful existence? And what does it mean to flourish? These questions convey the quest for individuals searching for a particular and essential type of meaning in their lives, beyond mere survival or state well-being.
Happiness, the pleasant emotional state that people experience when they judge their lives to be going well, is a concept more habitually associated with a good and satisfying life, with events that give pleasure and cause.
There is a sense of accomplishment and happiness that comes when we walk in our purpose. Whether it’s pursuing certain core beliefs, or volunteering for a cause, walking on purpose enriches our lives and brings joy in knowing we are impacting lives.
Physical Health and Happiness
There is a way the body seems to influence the state of mind and mood. Just as our mental state can affect our physical well-being, our physical health can significantly impact our mood and overall happiness. That is why self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep, are essential for physical and mental well-being.
Overcoming Obstacles to Happiness
Yes, life can be a roller-coaster, but we can always find a way around it and still stay happy despite it all. After all, happiness is a choice.
For this. Choose to focus on positives rather than negatives. Be grateful in small things…in all things. Don’t compare or measure your success with others. Your journey is unique to you. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and choose to be happy always.
Ride on the wave_of_happy_ unapologetically. Own it and enhance your overall well-being with this sense of happiness. It’s not hard. All it takes are simple tweaks to your routine and you are simply on the right track of happy living.